The New Perspective
Consciousness Comes First
You have a body, but you are not your body.
You have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts.
You have a personality, but you are not your ego.
You are a Divine Eternal Soul.
You are Spirit, having a human experience. 

When you see yourself  and all your life experiences through this perspective, you transform.

As you change, your world changes.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" (Gandhi)

About Us

Ron Reynolds is a retired broadcaster, who worked as a news anchor for 17 years with KCBS, the all news radio station in San Francisco.  After a fifty year career in radio and television he retired in 2004 and now devotes his time to writing and teaching on the subject of spirituality and relationships.

Denny Reynolds is a retired Marriage and Family Therapist. Her New Perspective coaching with individuals and couples is based on the book "The New Perspective: Ten Tools for Self-Transformation." Working as a team, Ron and Denny help people find an inner sense of well-being, which leads to healing, spiritual growth, and enriched life experiences.
If you're interested in a hands-on opportunity to experience The New Perspective, Ron and Denny are available for private coaching on the Ten Tools for Self-Transformation. Change your perspective, change your life. They work with couples and individuals in person in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, and elsewhere by telephone. If you'd like to find out more about furthering your own Spiritual development and using your relationship to awaken your consciousness, contact The New Perspective at or PO Box 4135, Sedona, Arizona, 86340.

Recent testimonial:

We should all be thankful for
those people who rekindle the inner spirit. 
Albert Schweitzer 

I am thankful for many people who have at some point or another helped me along my journey. Today – Being Day 5 - I am eternally thankful for two very special people, Denny Reynolds and her husband Ron. Through a work shop they presented of “The New Perspective: Ten Tools for Self Transformation” along with many counseling sessions with Denny.... I am very grateful for “my” life. This life is mine and a direct result of my choices and I will never be a victim to my past or ill placed perceptions. I choose love and I choose to heal, grow and live a happy life. ...

Google them and find their three books The New Perspective, Art of Relationship and We Are Here.